Long Range Transportation Plan- The Gainesville Metropolitan Area Long-Range Transportation Plan 2045 is a long range 25-year transportation plan. The Plan identifies major modifications to the transportation system which will be needed in the future to address projected patterns and volumes of traffic. Updates to the Plan are prepared and adopted about every five years.
Transit Planning Program- Transit planning activities include: an annual multimodal [automotive (highway), bicycle, pedestrian and transit service] Multimodal Level of Service Report; the monitoring of pedestrian, bicycle and transit activity, including the preparation of an annual Transit Ridership Report; incorporating transit projects into the Transportation Improvement Program; assisting Regional Transit System staff in developing priorities for needed, but unfunded, transit projects; and activities related to improving transportation services to the elderly and persons with disabilities.
Level of Service Report- An annual Multimodal Level of Service Report is developed concerning levels of service (traffic congestion) for arterial and collector roads in the Gainesville Metropolitan Area. This information is shared with state and local agencies and is used to support local comprehensive planning activities.